Ella Grace finally got to meet Chloe, Amber and Jason's little girl. They have something in common and that is their love for wagon rides. They had a great time together at Amber and Jason's Derby celebration, and Wes and I had a blast too. There was some cornhole playing and bubble blowing and, of course lots of snacking. Jason and Amber put together an awesome slow country boil that was ahhh-mazing!!!
Wes won us some tickets to the Indians game and he was the fan of the game. With this a prestigious honor was giving to him and that was the fan of the game. We got to take a ride in a Toyota around the field and then we got dropped off at our seats on the third base line. We also got the chance to win the new truck if they hit the truck that was in the outfield with the big target on it. We unfortunatley did not win the truck due to the Indians playing horribly that day. We still had a blast though.